Then after Daddy got home from work we headed to Shogun for dinner. Mom and Poppa met us there. We usually go there once or twice a year. Only for special occasions. And turning 5 definitely qualifies! The kids love Shogun. Although the fire freaks them out a little. They can't decide if they like it or if they're scared of it!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. I cannot even begin to count my blessings. My husband. God blessed me with a man who loves me like Christ loves the church. He is an example of God's love for His bride and His love for His children. I love him with all that is in me. My children; Luke, Sara, Hope, and Emma. I never dreamed I would have 4 children!!! But each one of them is such a blessing and inspiration to me. They all have such unique personalities and gifts. Each is a joy to me and I couldn't imagine my life without them.
I thank my Father for the life He has given me. I don't deserve the family He has given me or the grace that he shows me day to day. I just pray that I can pass that along to my children and be and example of His grace and mercy to them and to my husband each day.
Thanks Jennifer for sharing.Belated birthday wishes besides a Happy Thanksgiving day.
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Happy Birthday to Sara & Happy Thanksgiving!