This is the day that Lance has been waiting for for years! Most of his fondest childhood memories involve Scouts. Tonight was Luke's first den meeting. Lance is his assistant Den leader. The funny story is last week was a Cub Scout meeting. They had already gone to an informational meeting the week before that, so we assumed last weeks meeting was the first den meeting. Lance took Luke to the Boy Scout store and got his uniform and patches, I sewed the patches on, and they went to the meeting. Only to find out it was the 2nd informational meeting! No one else was dressed in their uniforms! Talk about the eager beaver! Lance just laughed and told the others, "You have your soccer dads, and your football dads; well, I'm a Scout dad!" HA!
Luke is so excited his Daddy is doing it with him and is so impressed with Lances patches. Tonight Luke had all Bobcat badge requirements done so he got up on stage and recited everything. He came home all excited that he was on his Wolf now. And no one else earned anything the 1st meeting! They are going to have a lot of fun this year.
on stage reciting his Bobcat requirements
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