Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Mother's Day (a little early)

I love the week before Mother's Day.  :)  Each year the kids come home with gifts for me that they made at school/MDO.  And they are so proud of them.  And I'm so proud of them.  And I feel so loved.  Each of them, in their own way, tells me how much they love me. 

My new favorite things. :)
Luke made me a clay dragon bowl. Which is special because he and I went to see "How to Train Your Dragon" together last year. Hope made me a beaded necklace with a dolphin bead in the middle.  I loved it.  Bless her heart, she knows how much I love dolphins. :) And Sara made me a book mark, a card, and a book about me.

Luke gave me my gift yesterday when I picked him up from school.  He was soooo excited to give it to me.  And Hope's face LIT UP when she gave me my necklace.  I put it on immediately and she looked surprised and happy.  She said, "you're gonna wear it???" I told her of course.  And her smile could have lit up the night. :)

Then Sara gave me her gifts today.  She's been waiting all week to give them to me.  She ran in the house off the bus today beaming and handed me a bag.  When I read through the book about me I smiled and then I cried.  This page made me laugh...

It's hard to read but it says, My mom spends most of her time "getting or cloes and or shos."
Then the picture of me is saying, "oh my." hahaha!  
Then this made me cry...

If Mom could have one wish come true, she would wish for "my brother from Haty to come now."
That sweet, sweet girl of mine. 

I love my kids so, so much. I am blessed beyond words.  I wonder so many times why God saw fit to make me a mom and give me four beautiful souls to take care of.  They are my life and I pray that they will know how much I love them and that God will overcome the mountain of mistakes I make daily in raising them.

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