Sunday, March 14, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

Today is Mom's Birthday. It's a big one! 65! Woo Hoo! We had a party for her here last night. I invited several of the friends that she's made since they've moved here and her sisters and their families. One of her sisters was able to come and then several church friends. And Thomas, my Chinese brother was in the states and drove up from Houston for it! We had a good turn out. I'm so glad she's making friends here. She told me last week that she'd turn the corner and is happy that she's here.

Singing Happy Birthday!
Some of the crew
I can't imagine how hard it would be to pack up and move after you've established your life in one place. I'm so glad that my parents did. Just today, I dropped Emma off with them while I took the big kids to choir at church. And Mom and Dad came over for lunch today after church to help me clear out some of the leftovers. It's those day to day things that makes me so happy that they live close. My kids are going to remember these times.

Love you Mom!!!!

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