Saturday, March 20, 2010

Oh Well!

So today is the first day of Spring. And this is my back yard...

And is hasn't stopped. It's been snowing since about 3:00 and it's supposed to snow all night and tomorrow. CRAZY!! I've been moping around all day. Not the way I had planned on spending spring break. We were supposed to be camping right now. Lance and Daddy went ahead and took the camper down to our site today so it will be ready for us when it stops snowing. The weather channel says it's going to be upper 50's by Monday. Like I said, CRAZY!

We made the best of it tonight. The kids made Martians with Luke's Martian maker while I fixed dinner and Lance cleaned out the garage. We had a late dinner and then we played and picked up the house. Sounds weird, but it was fun.

I made a chore chart recently (I'll share about that later) and it has worked like a dream! I was so proud of Hope tonight. She has really taken to the chore chart. She did so well tonight! Two of her chores are to pick up the living room and pick up toys in her room. She was just walking around doing her chores so cute! At one point I asked her if she had put her smiley face up and she said, "Not yet Momma, I'm not done." Melted my heart!

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