Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Making Lemonade out of Lemons

Well, it's Spring Break and we are going camping tomorrow through Sunday. The bummer is that is has gotten colder again and it's going to rain as much as it's going to be sunny! We're still going to go because the kids are so looking forward to it and we really need a getaway! On the days that it's too bad to get out, we might drive north to Branson for the day. We took Luke to the Dixie Stampede when Sara was a baby and he's always wanted to go back. And since the girls have never been (you can't count Sara, she was only 3 months old!), we need to take them!

So, we're praying that it doesn't get severe. And that it doesn't get too cold. The kids keep asking, "are we going camping today?" We're asking the Lord to give us some better weather than is predicted, but plan to have fun no matter what!

Oh, and we went to Wal-Mart tonight to get all our groceries for the week and while we were there, Luke and Sara both had to go to the bathroom. I took Sara and discovered that the men's bathroom was being cleaned, so Lance couldn't take Luke. So I went back to the women's bathroom with him. I was waiting at the sink for him to take care of business. He obviously was done, but hadn't flushed the toilet or come out of the stall. I told him to hurry up and here's what I heard. "Waiting for the Grand Finale! Here it comes, here it comes!" I about died laughing! That boy!

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