Sunday, February 26, 2012

Weekend Wrap Up

This has been an interesting weekend. It has had so many ups and downs. I can't figure out if it's been a good weekend or a bad one :)

Friday was a very frustrating day for me. I had one bad customer service experiences right after another. Seriously, 4 different companies/stores who just weren't getting it done. And they just kept building on my frustration. But, lunch that day and then that night was fun.

My neice Hattie has been on "lock down" since she was born. :) The doctors have wanted her to stay away from kids and the general public until she was 2 months old. That day came Friday! Ha! So Emma and I met Leah and Hattie for lunch. Emma was sooooo excited!
Hattie looks like a peanut next to Emma!

Luke's Cub Scout Blue & Gold Banquet was Friday. I gathered up some decorations for the tables and decorated right before the banquet. I totally forgot to take a picture of them, but they turned out pretty cute. Just basic blue and gold plastic table clothes with a mason jar with blue and gold balloons coming out of it filled with river rocks and wrapped with burlap and blue and gold ribbon. Then the mason jar sat on a burlap square and blue and gold Hershey's kisses scattered on the table. Manly, but cute. :)

Luke didn't have a rank to achieve since he's a Weblos for 2 years, but he did earn his card that allows him to carry a pocket knife on Scout events. He was stoked! :)

really bad pic, but he's reading his pocket knife card

He got to help hand out patches to some of the other scouts. :)
Mom, Dad, Jeremy and Leah all came to the banquet. Lance's parents couldn't make it becasue they had cows and calfs to tend too. :( And when the banquet was over, Jeremy and Leah continued celebrating Hattie's freedom by coming to the house to hang out for the night. We haven't done that since before Christmas and we had missed them just stopping by for no reason.

Saturday Lance and Luke went over to Lance's cousin Bobby's place. His son, Easton, and Luke are buds. They did some fishing and Luke rode a dirt bike! They tried to send me pics and video, but couldn't get it to go through to me. Luke was sooooo excited! When he came home and told me about it, I said that was awesome. He looked at me with surprise and said, "I thought you'd be mad!" :) I just wish I could have seen it.

I wasn't feeling too good Saturday. (I'm still not) So the girls and I were pretty low key. It was warm out, so they played in the backyard for a long time. Then I started feeling too couped up in the house, so I hooked up the bike buggy to my bike for Emma and us girls went on a bike ride. We had a blast! We rode over to some friends house for a surprise visit. They are moving soon, so that's the last time we'll be able to do that. I have a new bike and really liked it. I told the girls that we are going to do a lot of bike riding this spring and summer. I plan on loading up the bikes this summer and taking the kids to some easy bike trails near us. They will love that!

Hope hasn't felt great this weekend either and her temp has been elevated at times. (not a true fever, but up from normal) We didn't feel comfortable with taking her to church, so we had to stay home. Lance is on call this weekend so he was at the hospital this morning. The kids played outside and we watched a movie.

I hope that tomorrow I'm feeling better. The jury is still out on whether Hope will go to school. Hopefully we'll both be back to normal. :)

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