Monday, May 31, 2010
Weather! Wow!
We had a rocky start to the day today. God is continuing to teach me flexibility and patience. (Will I ever learn???) We thought we had a plan and knew what the day had in store for us, but it quickly became apparent that our plans were not God's plans. I had to let go of it. And I'm so glad I did. We showed up at a Children's Home and had planned on meeting up with some people from GA we have talked with on the phone several times since Lance's first trip to Haiti. They weren't there. And we didn't know then what we were going to do. And Lance and I had plans on visiting an orphanage to make some contacts and we found out that we wouldn't be able to do that. I was getting frustrated.
Then, we let go and just went with the flow. And God showed up. (Actually, He was always there, we just got out of His way.) Isn't that how it always is? The team set up a clinic for the community at the Children's Home. Lance and I and Erin (our Thirst No More contact) took a driver and went to meet the folks from GA. We found out we were only 30 minutes from the orphanage that we had wanted to visit. So we took off and met a true man of God, Pierre Prinvil.
It was so hot that when we got back to the clinic and Lance started helping to see patients, he got overheated and was close to passing out.
When we loaded up and started heading back, we got caught again in the same traffic as we did this morning except this time the roads were flooded because of rain in the mountains. What should have been a 2 hour drive turned into a 3 hour drive. And the rain came down the mountain and we got soaked. Then when we headed up the mountain towards our house, it got colder and I was freezing! I had to come in and take a hot shower to warm up. Strange experience!
It has been a great day, and tomorrow holds some special things in store. Can't wait to see what God does next!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
What an Awesome God We Serve!
We got smart (or should I say Paul got smart) and instead of trying to share Christ one on one with the Haitians as they left the clinic, he would share with a group of people after we triaged them while they were waiting to see a doctor. That way we didn't miss the opportunity to talk to anyone. And we had 20 professions of faith today.
It's natural to wonder if all of those professions were genuine, but let me tell you that 2 for sure were. There was one teenage girl who prayed to accept Christ. Paul was using a bracelet that has symbols explaining the plane of salvation and after she prayed, she asked him to go over the symbols again because she wanted to make sure that she remembered it correctly so she could go share it with her friends. That is life change.
And there was an older gentleman who came in to be seen. When I was questioning him about his complaints, he was pleasant, but no smile on his face. After Paul shared the gospel he prayed to accept Christ. After he saw the doctor and then went to the pharmacy, he made his way to me with a huge smile on his face and gave me a hug and said, "Merci!" many times. That is life change.
We can only rest in the Lord that He is in control and through His Spirit will continue to change these people's lives. We are referring them to local churches, but God has repeatedly shown me that he doesn't need our help. He just allows us to be participants in His plan.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
First Full Day in Haiti
Most of the children are the happiest things. They aren't used to seeing white people, so we were quite a novelty. Most of them would smile at us shyly while others were brave and smile and wave at us. One little girl said something to me in Creole but my translator had stepped away. She was grinning when she said it and seemed a little embarrassed. When my translator got back, I asked him to ask him to ask her to say it again. He did and smiled when he looked at me. "She said, 'she loves you.'" So sweet. I took a picture with her, but it takes too long to upload here.
We saw several older people. One lady 88, one man 80 and one lady 90! The 88 year old was spunky! Several of our team were taking pictures of her and she was hamming it up! I got my picture taken with her.
And there were so many heartbreaking cases. One lady probably has cervical cancer, one little girl with possible leprosy, one lady with severe edema in her arm, one little girl with a damaged eye who will never see out of it again. It is hard for me to think that if any one of these people were in the states, they wouldn't be experiencing this heartache. They could be treated.
Driving through the country of Haiti is an experience that I can't describe. Even with Lance telling me about it and seeing the pictures he took when he was here the first time couldn't prepare me. I know it's a futile effort to try to explain to people when I get home. There is no way to comprehend it unless you are here to see, smell, and taste it. Utter devastation and abject poverty. The only hope these people have is Christ.
I am so excited to be able to share this with Lance. He is amazing. Even his translator jokingly said he needed a break because Lance was so fast. And the love on his face for these people is evident. God had the best in store when he prepared Lance Faddis for me!
Friday, May 28, 2010
I'm in Haiti!!!
Right now, I'm in Haiti!!!! Crazy how fast it all happened, once again. We were so incredibly busy preparing. And once again, I'm bursting with pride. My husband is amazing! We spent the day traveling and getting to know all the people on our trip. All but 2 go to our church, but we all didn't know each other that well. That is already changing and by the end of the week, we will have a bond that most people won't understand.
I am anxiously anticipating what the Lord is going to do this week. I feel it in my soul. I don't know what it is, but I know it is going to be big. As we were landing in Port Au Prince, I was praying and just opening myself up for whatever God has planned. As we drove through the city, my heart broke. There is no way to describe this place. Even the pictures can't convey.
We have our supplies organized and are ready for tomorrow. That is, as ready as we know how to be. Each day will be a new day. We are splitting up a little tomorrow. The other Dr. and a nurse and 2 other team members are doing a mini clinic and Lance, myself and a father/son team are going to start construction on a house. And by house, I mean shed. 12x12 plywood building with a tin roof. A mansion for most people living in Haiti.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Momma/Son Day
We started the day at Chuck E Cheese's playing games. It was so much fun! We go a lot, but with the girls, it's hard for me to play games because I'm having to keep my eyes on them. It was so fun to be able to play games with Luke and really get into them with him. He love video games!
Me and my Boy!
Next up was lunch at Red Lobster. Lance had been given a gift card so the bonus was that lunch was free! Woo Hoo! I had already decided to take Luke there because he loves shrimp and when I told Lance, he told be about the gift card. Score!
Shrimp! Yummy!
Lunch was great, but the high light was him getting to pet a lobster! We had a great waitress. She took him up front to see them and when he came back he told me he got to pet one! I was bummed I didn't get a picture, so she let him do it again on the way out. So sweet. And Luke was so precious at lunch. We had gone by Lance's office before we started our day and Lance gave him a rubber bracelet that has some symbols on it that you can use to share Christ. He asked our waitress if she believed in God and when she said yes, he proceeded to share his bracelet with her. I couldn't have been prouder of him!
Nice lobster!
Then we ended our outing at the movies watching How to Train Your Dragon. It was GREAT! It wasn't really a cartoon. It's better described as a story that's animated. If that makes sense. It was soooo good. And Luke LOVED it! It was so much fun just getting into his world and doing things he loves to do.
That's a big coke!
Today was the best day. We really needed it. It's been a rough year in many ways. I'm ready for 2nd grade to be over. Just being able relax and enjoy Luke was amazing. And God showed me some things, too. Not to worry about Luke bothering people, just to let him be himself. He has the best personality. I'm worried so much that he will overwhelm people, and I stress him and myself out trying to stifle him. All day today, he was being himself and people loved him. He got to pet a lobster, he played soccer in Old Navy with and employee and he got to hang up clothes hangers and scan clothes while we were there, too! ha! He is an amazing child. Such a blessing and privilege to be him Mom. And I'm so undeserving of him!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Celebrating Mother's Day!
The Tea Room is in a neat old building in the downtown area of the town next to us. All the tables have tablecloths and you eat off of mismatched china and drink your tea from mismatched tea cups. It has a great atmosphere! The owner put some toys and dress up things in the hallway that little girls can play with. It is a really cool place! The girls have been a couple times, but this was the first time Mom has been. It's going to be a fun girls outing place in the future!
Mom and her girls
The cupcake store is a lot of fun! It's new and some of my friends (one friend in particular, KELLY!) love it, so I thought it would be fun to try! The girls loved it! It's a little pricey, but a fun thing to do for a special treat. And I have to say, the lemon cupcake was awesome!
This picture cracks me up! Look at Sara and how she's sitting! And then look at Hope!!! That's my two girls!
Sunday, May 16, 2010
It's fun to see her starting to communicate with us! She's growing fast right now!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Disco, Disco Duck!
It was so cute, in fact, that I bought the stinkin' $35 video!!!! haha! I videoed it at dress rehearsal, because I thought it was crazy to pay that kind of money for the video of my almost 4 and 5 year olds dance. Hope was as sweet as could be, and Sara was absolutely hysterical! She got into it, let me tell you! I looked at Lance and told him there was no way I couldn't buy it!
All of the Disco Ducks
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Shake Your Groove Thang!
Tonight was dress rehearsal. We can't take pictures or video on Friday, so I took some tonight. I'll have better pictures of them in their costumes then, but here are some from the dance.
Sara is head and shoulders taller than anyone else! :)
Shake it baby!
Monday, May 10, 2010
2 Readers in the House!
She's been trying to sound out words a lot in recent weeks and asking me how to spell words and telling me what letter words start with when she hears them, so I've known that she's ready to learn to read. Luke did the exact same thing the summer before he started kindergarten. I couldn't believe how fast she did it. And she wasn't just memorizing what she just heard. When Lance got home 2 hours later, I pulled up the website so she could show him and without hearing using the site to help her hear the phonics, she read 2 sentences by sounding out the words! Way to go Sara!!
Hope had fun working on the alphabet in the games in her age range. She is getting better at controlling the mouse and got so excited when she was told that she got an answer right. She would yell in glee at the top of her lungs!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
3 Mothers Days and a Birthday
Mom, you've always been there as a constant support in my life. My memories of you as a child are ones of crafts, reading, awesome birthday parties, and love. The teen years were a little rocky, but you always supported me in anything I wanted to do. You were at every basketball game, track meet, OM competition, and church youth activity. And now, for you to be here to be a part of my kids everyday lives is the best gift you could have ever given me. To see how much they love you brings joy to my soul. Thanks for still supporting me and being there to help me when I need it. I love you more than you'll ever know!
Neat, thank you for being such a great mom to the love of my life. The godly legacy that you passed on to him has allowed him to be such an amazing father to our kids. And thanks for being the best Gigi my kids could have! They love you so much. They light up when they see you with a loud "Giiii Giiiii!!!" :) And a special Happy Birthday!! We love you!
And Happy Mothers Day to me! It has been a great day. I got up this morning and Lance and the kids gave me my Mothers Day cards and gifts. Luke had picked out a card at WalMart for me. It was cute. He was so proud of getting one by himself. And Sara has been waiting since Thursday to give me my card. She made it at school. In it was a bracelet that she made for me. A cheap plastic bead bracelet, but when I put it on and didn't take it off when I got dressed I heard her say to Hope, "Hope! Momma's wearing her bracelet to Sunday School!" There was such pride and joy in her voice. It made my day! Hope gave me her card Thursday after school. She couldn't wait! haha! And Lance gave me a card with pictures of all the girls. It was a hint at my real gift. He's ordered the girls' one year portraits!!! We've had Luke's 1 year portrait and a portrait of Lance, Luke, and I on the walls since we moved into this house. We bought the frames for the girls' portraits years ago, but have never developed their portraits. I'm so excited to finally get them up on the wall!
After church, we went to lunch with Mom and Dad. It took a little while to get in, but when we did, it was worth it. We ate at local Chinese restaurant that we all love. It was a lot of fun. And the kids acted great.
Then it was home and I got a Mothers Day nap! When I got up, Lance was hard at work cleaning out our garage. It has been a huge mess!! I got to work with him while all the kids played out in the yard and rode their bikes. Then it was hot dogs for dinner and getting ready for bed.
Before bed, we all were in the living room together, and Luke read a couple chapters from one of his books to the girls. It was so sweet.
Almost eight years ago, I became a mom. I never knew how much that day would change my life. I never dreamed how I would fall in love with that little boy and his sisters later. It totally changed me. My husband and my kids are the most important things in my life. I'm am so humbled that God would allow me to be the mother to 4 beautiful and precious children. I am so unworthy. I screw it up daily. I pray that my love will cover a multitude of sins. I hope they know how much I love them and would give up my life for them.
Friday, May 7, 2010
Fun Field Trip
We did this same field trip when Luke was in kindergarten. It was a much better experience today! Last go around, it was 89 degrees and 160 5 and 6 year olds walking on a hiking trail by a creek without being able to stop. NOT fun! Today, though, one of the other moms and I were responsible for 5 boys and we had a blast! So glad to be making these memories!
It was quite a mini surgery!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Can she be any cuter??
"Haha, look at me Momma! I'm fine, just wanted some Daddy time!" LOL!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
The Lord's Timing is Perfect
After he returned, we talked about the timing of us both going. We felt that it would be in late spring sometime. I've been kinda pushing Lance the past couple of months a few times about pinning down a time for us to go. We haven't been able to see the right time. I finally just quit asking and trusted that God would lead us.
A few days ago, our friend John, who is the Executive Pastor at our church and went with Lance on the last trip, called me and said that he needed Lance and I to go to Haiti at the end of the month. I knew right then in my heart that we were going. This was God's timing. After discussing it, Lance and I agreed that the Lord was leading us on this trip.
I'm so excited. And we can already see His hand working again like it did last time. We "met" some friends of a friend that serve in Haiti several times a year before Lance went on the first trip. Well, they are going to be in Haiti the same dates as us. I called her today and we laughed about the fact the first time we are going to physically meet will be in Haiti. They have some great contacts for us and places to serve.