Thursday, February 26, 2009
Rain, Rain, Go Away!
Emma is officially weening. My milk just hasn't been where it needs to be and she's not gaining weight like she needs to. That happened to Sara and we don't want Emma to lose as much weight as Sara did, so we're weening her now. Sara stopped gaining weight from 4-6 months, so Emma has made it longer than Sara did, but I fed Hope for a whole year, so I was kinda expecting to do that with Emma. The only thing we can think is that I'm just to stressed and it's affecting my milk production. I don't get to just sit and bond with Emma when I'm feeding her. It's always, "Hope stop!", "Sara! Get Hope!" :) I'm a little sad, but it will be easier with bottles because now Sara can help feed her too. She's still not eating solid food very well, but at least she's opening her mouth for a few bites now!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Spring Fever!
We went back home to eat lunch and then we had naptime. Luke got home after the girls got up from their nap and we went on another walk. This one was a long one. About 1 1/2 miles. Almost too long! Some good friends of ours live behind our subdivision and the kids wanted to walk to see them. We have to cross a field to do it. I was going to use the jogger stroller, but a tire was flat. So we trudged on. Not the smartest thing I've ever done. But the kids got to see something really neat on our walk. We have a lot of geese in this area. There is a retaining pond behind our subdivision that they like to be in. In the field we crossed, a flock of them were walking around. The kids were able to get really close to them. A little closer than I wanted them to! They thought it was the coolest thing. And when they did fly off, it was right beside us and they were amazed!
Luke chasing the geese
The kids and the geese
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Faddis Jamboree
Then after dinner, we had an impromptu jamboree in the living room. It was Hope and Luke's idea. Luke got his guitar and Hope had her Daddy get his guitar. Sara had a maraca, and Hope was banging pots from their kitchen! (I joined in later on spoons!) It was a memory in the making!
Don't ask me how, but this is what Emma was doing during the "music"!
Tomorrow is going to be a day of laundry. With a follow up dermatologist appointment for Sara thrown in. I am so far behind on laundry. Most of it is washed, but I have tons to fold and put up! If you've ever wondered what laundry for a family of 6 looks like when it hasn't been put up, here ya go....!
Poor Emma. Her room is the dumping ground!
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sara's Turn
My Sweet Girl!
After Old Navy, we went to pick Hope up at MDO, and then it was home for naptime. When Luke got home, they all had a lot of fun playing. No TV this afternoon, and they all ran around the house playing hide n seek and duck, duck, goose. It was fun to see them enjoy each other so much.Unfortunately, Sara still has a fever, so we won't be going to Bible Study tomorrow. But, on the other hand, staying home for the morning does have it's appeal!
Here's Emma during the melee at the house. She can't wait to join them!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Will The Sickness Never End?!?!
We picked up a pizza from one of our favorite restaurants (Gusano's) on the way home. Sara had fallen asleep in the car so when we got home, she was a little groggy. She sat in her Daddy's lap to eat her pizza, but didn't eat much and went to lay on the couch. Lance said she felt warm so I got the thermometer and sure enough, fever. 101.1 Arghhh! So here we go again! Hopefully it won't last. She'll be home with me tomorrow while Hope goes to MDO. But on a positive note...her skin is healing!!! Thank you, Lord! We go back to the dermatologist Wed. I can't wait to see what Cheryl has to say. We are sooooo happy!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Dance, Dance, Dance!
Now how many husbands will go ballroom dancing with their wives. Not only go, but WANT to go and have fun while doing it?!?! Leah and Jeremy got us 4 lessons, but I think we will do more after the 4 are over. We had soooo much fun! Watch out Cheryl Burke and Mark Ballas!
Friday, February 20, 2009
Ahhhh, the Weekend!
Luke rode the bus home again today. I think we've hit a winner! He is loving it and I am loving not having to get all the girls loaded to go get him every afternoon! I seriously don't know why I haven't been doing this all year! He got a "green card" today at school, so he was very happy. He has trouble at school being quiet and staying in his seat. But I can't get on to him too much. We all know where he got that from!!! We've implemented a new system at home for him. I have two jars. One with a smiley face and one with a sad face. I put $5 of nickels into each jar. Every time I catch him doing somthing positive or if he obeys immediately or has a good attitude, he gets to move a nickel from the sad face to the smiley face jar. On the other hand, when he doesn't obey, etc. he moves a nickel from the happy jar to the sad jar. When all nickels are in the happy jar, he has $10 to go buy a toy. I just started it yesterday, but it's working great so far. $ speaks to him!
Sara's skin is doing so much better!!! Praise the Lord! I can't tell you how many prayers have been said for that little girl. I'm hopeful that we've finally figured out what's wrong. Her hands are responding to the ringworm medicine and the rest of her body has calmed down since her hands have started clearing up. We are still praying that she is healed.
Hope is chugging right along! Still won't go to bed. I've been up 3 times already. This last time, Sara was asleep in their bed, and Hope had the light on sitting in bed reading books. That girl will be the death of me!
And it looks like Emma doesn't have a milk allergy after all. She still won't eat much solid food, but she is at least not spitting it out and tongue thrusting anymore. She had oatmeal with bananas this morning and it stayed down. No vomiting! Yea!
Go Faddis Family!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Prayer Works!
My big boy so proud of himself!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Have we trials and temptations? Is there trouble anywhere? We should never be discouraged; take it to the Lord in prayer. Can we find a friend so faithful who will all our sorrows share? Jesus knows our every weakness; take it to the Lord in prayer.
Are we weak and heavy laden, cumbered with a load of care? Precious Savior, still our refuge, take it to the Lord in prayer. Do your friends despise, forsake you? Take it to the Lord in prayer! In His arms He’ll take and shield you; you will find a solace there.
Blessed Savior, Thou hast promised Thou wilt all our burdens bear May we ever, Lord, be bringing all to Thee in earnest prayer. Soon in glory bright unclouded there will be no need for prayer Rapture, praise and endless worship will be our sweet portion there.
I go to Women's Bible Study at my church on Tues. mornings. It is such a blessing to me. I get a break from my kids for a couple of hours (which every mom will tell you is a needed thing!), I get to connect with my friends, and I get challenged each and every week from God's Word.
God got a hold of me today through this song. It's an old hymn. There is such TRUTH in the old hymns. How many times do I carry unnecessary burdens, forfeit the peace available to me, and bear pain that I don't have to because I neglect or just flat refuse to pray and cast my cares upon my God. This really struck me today, because I'm in a perpetual state of trying to carry all my burdens on my own and then I screw up royally. I yell at my kids and struggle with all the demands of being a mom and wife all because I do not rest in Him and let Him carry my burdens. Will I ever learn? I sure hope so. It would make my life so much easier!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Lunch Date with Luke!
Once quick note about Emma. Lance's mom got her a tummy mat for Christmas. We broke it out today to try it. She LOVED it! It was so cute. She stayed on it about 20 minutes or longer. She just laughed and laughed. Here's one picture of her on it. I waited too long to get the camera and she was done with holding her head up all the way, but it's a cute face nonetheless!
OK, just one more thing! I actually had posted this blog and then remembered something Hope did today and I want to remember it. It was so precious and out of character for her. Something I would expect from Sara, but not necessarily Hope. Hope does anything her big sister does, but it's always Sara who initiates helping me clean the house. Well, today, I was sitting on the couch and I saw Hope at the kitchen table getting something off of it. I yelled her name and told her to leave stuff alone on the table and she said, "no, Momma, I cleanin up." I then realized she had some trash in her hand and she was putting it in the trash can. Then I heard her opening the fridge and something crashed to the floor. Once again I hollered her name as I was running to kitchen. When I got there I started getting on to her about getting stuff out of the fridge when I realized again that she was helping. She had gotten a tupperware container that had leftover spaghetti in it off of the stove top and was putting it in the fridge. She was standing there looking sad and I felt so bad for yelling at her and scaring her. I thanked her for helping and she proceeded to help unload the dishwasher and sweep the floor. It was so sweet! I love that girl!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Hope, Emma and I went to Wal Mart while Luke and Sara were in choir. I am loving my times with her on Sunday afternoons. When I only have 2 of them, it's so much easier. I let her walk instead of ride in the cart. Sometimes she has pushed the cart. It's hysterical! She thinks she's so big. Tonight she was funny. She was running ahead of me and kept turning back to tell me, "follow me, Momma!"
I'm looking forward to tomorrow. The girls have MDO, but Luke is out for teacher in-service. He was awarded a free meal at Colton's for making all A honor roll the first semester. We are going to have a lunch date! He is excited. All of the kids love to have one on one time with Lance and I when they can. It's special for all of us.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Maybe Next Year!
We went home and let the kids open their presents. That was the funnest part of the day. They loved their presents. (I guess that's kinda a no brainer, huh?) We got Luke and Sara digital cameras. They are cheap ones, but they have view finders and they loved them. Hope got Madagascar 2.
Lance was only able to stay home for a few minutes and then it was back to work. That's when the day got worse for me. I hate yelling at my kids, and I do it too much. Today was one of those days. I was disappointed that the day didn't go the way I had planned. I bought Valentines plates and cups for the kids to eat and drink with today. Had the house decorated and then blew it. Part of the problem is that I was exhausted because I was up late decorating the house and the kids didn't seem to care. I didn't get a nap because the 2 oldest were in our room and making all kinds of noise and I had to keep getting up from the couch to get on to them. I'm not happy to say that it was not my finest hour today. And I hate that.
I'm so thankful that God forgives me when I fail Him and my family. I needed His forgiveness today.
We did end on a fun note. I made a heart shaped brownie and let the kids eat it on the floor in the living room while we watched Madagascar 2. I LOVE watching my kids dancing around to "Move It, Move It!"
Like I said, maybe next year will be better!
Sara can't believe she got a real camera!
Luke reading all about his new camera!
Valentine's Dinner with Valentine's cups and plates
(Oh and the flowers are from the love of my life!)
Friday, February 13, 2009
Sugar High!
Luke loving his party
Before I went to the party this afternoon, I was doing laundry all morning while the girls played. They had fun together today. TV wasn't on all morning and they just ran around the house laughing and playing dress up. One thing I wanted to remember them doing absolutely cracked me up. They had a Marty toy from McDonald's from the movie Madagascar. Sara would take it and hide it and then come tell Hope, "I hid it in..." and then they would run through the house yelling, "Maaaaaarrrtyyy!" and after a few minutes of yelling for him, they would run to where Sara had hidden him and start screaming and laughing for joy because they "found" him. It was so cute. They are the sweetest things!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Strep, Ughhh!
Just to touch on Sara for a minute. She suffers from eczema. I can't tell you how many people tell me, "oh, I have that" or "my child had that" or "have you tried..." I sometimes just want to look at them and say, "you have no idea what you're talking about!" I don't. I know they mean well, and I appreciate their concern, but they really have no idea how severe hers is. It is the worst case Lance has ever seen. The poor child has wounds all over her body and she scratches so much that she has scratches and scabs all over her body, too. We have tried everything. Seriously, everything. She has been on 3 different antihistamines, 2 different topical steroids, benadryl, and we coat her body with eucerin cream every night. My heart breaks for her. She is such a trooper. She never complains and I can't even imagine how it hurts her. She has never know any different. It is much worse right now than it has ever been. We have had her tested for allergies and she has none. We have an appointment with a friend of Lance's who is a dermatologist. She saw her once before when she was two, but we want her opinion to see if there is something we're not doing. We are realizing that the only thing we can do for her is pray. Not that we haven't been doing that, but it is the only thing that is going to heal her. We are even considering asking our pastor to anoint her with oil and lay hands on her and pray. It is a horrible thing that she is going through.
Speaking of Sara, today she said the funniest thing. She is my girly girl. She is a princess. She loves dresses, jewelry and makeup. Today all three girls and I were at Wal-Mart. I was looking at some pajama tops and we passed the nighties. It's very close to Valentine's Day and there were a lot of them! When we passed one, Sara pointed at it and said, "Momma, I like that dress with the booby covers. It's pretty." I about died laughing right there in the pj section! It was hysterical. Then she got embarrassed because she thought I was laughing at her. I had to explain that I was just laughing because it wasn't a dress, but it was pretty. She's going to laugh when she's older and I tell her what she thought about nighties when she was 4!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The Sweet Moments in Life
But this morning, she was so sweet. We had a storm go through last night and Sara slept on the floor of our room. (without us knowing! Lance stepped on her when he got up this morning!) After he stepped on her, she got in bed with me. After I got Luke off to school, I got back in bed to cuddle with her since she was still asleep. Hope came in a little bit later. She got up in bed and snuggled up with me. She's got a cough and started coughing enough that it started waking up Sara. When she saw that Sara was waking up, she started talking to me. The first thing she did was look at me and say, "Momma, you're the best momma ever." I almost cried, it was so sweet. Then she looked at Sara and said, "Sara, you're the best sister ever." It is those moments that make parenting the best thing in the world!
Monday, February 9, 2009
House Hunting
They have been up a couple times now to look for houses. They have found 3 possibilities in a subdivision 5 minutes from our house. We are so excited! It will be so much fun and so much help having them so close. My mom asked me recently why I wanted them to move here. The fact is, I will always have a shopping buddy, Lance will have someone to work out on our land with, and they will get to go to all the kids' activities. I am so excited that they are going to be able to be around for the everyday happenings of our life. And the kids can't wait!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
What a GREAT day!
The "big kids" hiking with their sticks
Emma LOVED hiking!
Friday, February 6, 2009
I've had some minor issues with my Tahoe lately. I had it in the shop Monday and had to take it back today to have 2 new tires put on it. I was originally planning on taking it in yesterday while the girls were at MDO, but decided I didn't want to spend both of my MDO days this week at the car shop! So, crazy me, I decided to go today after getting Luke from school. That is how much I treasure my MDO days, it was worth not giving both of them up and taking 4 kids to a car dealership instead! They actually did great. We drove through Sonic on the way and everyone got the snack they wanted. That occupied them for a while. And the guy at the dealership was so nice and rushed the guys in the shop to get it done quickly since I had all the kids with me. They were all very well behaved. And thank goodness the dealership had some toys they could play with.
Hope was so sweet while we were there. She needed to go to the bathroom, so I left Luke and Sara watching Emma in the waiting room while I took Hope to the bathroom. (now mind you, we know the owners of the dealership and there were adults in the waiting room who kept an eye on the kids!) Anyway, we passed the mens bathroom and Hope saw the potty and started to go into it. I told her that was the boys bathroom, not the girls. As we were going into the girls' and she was getting situated, she questioned me about the other bathroom being the boys' bathroom. I assured her it was and then she said, "I like boys. Lukie is my favorite boy." It was so sweet. She loves her big brother!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Another Busy Day
Sara giving Emma her bottle (and Hope helping!)
My girls!
Speaking of my friend Sarah, she is amazing. She told me yesterday that she wanted to take some of the kids for me on Thursdays. Lance works at our church's free clinic every other Thursday night which leaves me home with the kids. I totally don't mind and am actually very proud of him for doing it. But it does get hard being at home without him. Sarah took the two big girls this afternoon and brought them back at bed time. She's going to take Luke next week and alternate who she takes each week. She is my kids' second mom. They love her and her family and the Tutts love my kids. It is such a blessing to have them as friends.
Today was the 100th day of school for Luke. Evidently that is a new school holiday for schools. Last year and this year they have had projects involving 100 items and also have gotten to dress as a 1oo year old person. I forgot to take a picture of him this morning, but he looked cute. He had on dress pants that were too short, white socks, black dress shoes, a dress shirt and a sear sucker blazer, wore glasses, and we put powder in his hair to make it grey. He was adorable. He had fun, but said everyone kept calling him Clark Kent instead of an old man. He got kinda upset about it, because he was an old man! It was cute.
And finally, my little wild child (Hope) cracked me up again last night. She has been taking antibiotics for the past 10 days because of her strep. She's been a "big" girl and gotten her medicine out of the refrigerator every night and and the syringe out of the drawer. She went to do it again tonight and I had to tell her that she was done with it. She kept arguing with me that she needed her medicine and I kept explaining to her that she didn't have to take it anymore. She then frowned and looked at me and said, "You're being mean!" I said, "no, I'm not." and she said "Yes, you are, I'm going to spank you." and proceeded to spank me on the bottom with her hand. She was being funny and not serious or she would have been in trouble! She is a hoot!
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
I HATE Migraines
I forgot last night about something Hope said that I wanted to put down so I wouldn't forget it. It was hilarious! Lance and I were wrestling with the kids before bathtime. They LOVE doing that. It is something Lance started doing with Luke when he was a baby and the girls love it just as much as he does. When we were done, we told the kids it was time for a bath. None of them were happy, but Hope was extremely upset. Lance got on to her and told her to go to her room. She was in full blown fit when she looked at him and said, and I quote, "YOU'RE POOPY!" I about died laughing. I had to turn and cover my face so she wouldn't see me. Lance got her to her room and gently (ha ha) explained to her that she was not to ever call Momma or Daddy names. I asked him later where in the world that came from and he said it was the worse thing she could think of! It was so funny! The things that go through a kids mind!
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Internet Finally!
The first day without cable, we had fun cleaning the house. It was hysterical. The kids were cleaning their rooms and I turned it into a contest. You want to know what the prize was for whoever got their room cleaned the fastest? Getting to scrub the toilet! It was hysterical! Luke won the race. He was so excited. We went to Lance and mine's bathroom and I helped him scrub the toilet. He loved it! Sara did a good job on her room so her second place prize was to help clean the mirror in the kids' bathroom. While we were cleaning the mirror, she said, "cleaning the bathroom is fun!" I told her I was going to remind her that she said that when she is 15!
Lance bought us the movie "Enchanted" during the cable outage. The kids and I were watching it yesterday after Luke got home from school. There is a scene in the movie where Giselle sings out a window in a NY apartment and rats, pigeons, and cockroaches come in a help her clean the apartment. I wish I could have taken a picture of Hope's face. It was hysterical. She was sucking her thumb and frowning at the TV. We call it the Kettron face. Kettron was Lance's grandfather. It is a funny face. She looked at the TV with that face and said "Ewwww Momma! Bugs!" I laughed so hard. She was so confused as to why bugs were helping clean the apartment. You had to be there to really appreciate it, but I wanted to remember it so I'm blogging it.
Emma is continuing to be such a sweet little blessing. I have wondered several times why God gave me three girls. I always thought I'd be a mom to boys. I was such a tom-boy growing up, I played athletics, I'm competitive, I'm blunt, I have always had guys friends. Totally thought I'd have boys. But God thought differently. I have loved having my girls. I'm so thankful for them. And today I felt God tell me why I have three girls. I am currently in a Beth Moore Bible study at church. We are doing her new study "Esther." It is amazing. I love Beth Moore. I haven't ever done one of her studies that I haven't loved. Today we were watching a video of her teaching on mean girls. She was talking about what defines a mean girl (someone who has no regard for other's feelings, who dresses provocatively, who has no respect for herself) and what is at the root of why a mean girl is a mean girl. She stated that meanness perceives a threat. We have to learn to identify the threat. That is what keeps us from being a "mean girl." Insecurity is at the heart of it all. While she was talking about it, I felt God tell me that this is why I have three girls; to raise them in a way that they are examples to the world of what a Godly woman is. How she treats people, family, her husband and how a girl is to dress that is hip, but honoring to the Lord. It is hard to put down in words, and really the main reason I am even writing this is for my own sake. So that I can remember it and not forget what God was telling me. I am humbled to be the mother of 3 girls who will look to me to model what a Godly woman is. It scares me. I want to live up to the calling. And I know that there is no way I will be able to do that without relying on God to guide me.